Old Version of Shadow Fight 2,3,4

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The old version of Shadow Fight is special for many gamers. It became popular because of its mix of martial arts and shadowy graphics. This first game started the journey that later brought Shadow Fight 2, Shadow Fight 3, and Shadow Fight 4.

For the best experience, always play the latest version of Shadow Fight because older versions may have bugs or not work well on new devices.

👉 Download the latest version here:

Shadow Fight 2 Old Versions

Shadow Fight 2 Old Version

Size 166.5 MB

Shadow Fight 2 Old Version

Size 167.3 MB

Shadow Fight 2 Old Version

Size 171.1 MB

Shadow Fight 2 Old Version

Size 159.8 MB

Shadow Fight 3 Old Versions

Shadow Fight 3 MOD APK

Size 226.9 MB

Shadow Fight 3 Old version

Size 216.8 MB

Shadow Fight 3 Old version

Size 214.0 MB

Shadow Fight 3 Old version

Size 209.6 MB

Shadow Fight 4 Old Versions

Shadow Fight 4 old version
Shadow Fight 4 old version
Shadow Fight 4 old version
Shadow Fight 4 old version

Size 199.8 MB

Why Old Version of Shadow Fight?

Here are the main reasons why people look for older versions of Shadow Fight:

Compatibility Issues

Sometimes newer versions of a game drop support for older Android operating systems. If you have an older phone, you might need an older version of Shadow Fight to run the game smoothly.

Bugs and Glitches

New updates can introduce bugs or glitches that weren’t present in older versions. People might downgrade to an older, more stable version of Shadow Fight while waiting for an official fix. You can also fix bugs and glitches by reading our blogs.

Disliked New Features

Sometimes game updates significantly change features or the user interface. If players find the changes unpleasant or confusing, they might want to revert to an older version they’re comfortable with.

Removed Functionality

Occasionally, developers remove features in updates. Players reliant on a specific feature might want to find an older version of Shadow Fight that includes it.

Preference for the Old Design

This overlaps with the dislike of new features, but sometimes it’s as simple as liking the older interface or design more than the new one.

For the Smoothest Experience

While older versions have their charm, the latest versions of Shadow Fight offer the best experience with up-to-date features and improvements. I always recommend downloading the newest update to enjoy the game at its best. Here are the links to the latest versions of Shadow Fight:


Using the latest version of any game is recommended due to the latest updates and new features. But if someone is having compatibility and other errors, he can try old versions of the game. So here i provided some of the older versions of the game to enjoy. Happy Gaming!